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In general, this web site ( is intended for personal, private use without collecting any personal information regarding any visitor. On occasion, we gather information about our visitors to improve the quality of services and to gain a general idea of who is visiting. We will notify our visitors on these pages before information is collected.

Information collected by Curtis Equipment Company:

  • will never be sold, shared or presented to any person or persons outside of our organization.
  • is collected only as visitors voluntarily provide it. Unless information is manually entered and submitted to us, it is neither stored nor collected in any manner.
  • may include name, home or business address, e-mail address, and the time of day and date that the information was collected.
  • is collected to provide us with a broad idea of its visitor base. By having this information, we will have the resources necessary to improve our site and services thus providing visitors with better overall service. So, in essence, simply knowing who is visiting allows us to thrive.
  • may be used to continue contact with visitors by e-mail or other means. This may include such information as notification of special offers, new products or services. Of course, visitors have the ability to ‘opt out’ of such mailings by choosing to do so when information is submitted.

Any further questions or comments can be directed to us in the Contact Us area of this site